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On Campus

- The Hatchery Innovation Studio – Located in Archibald S. Alexander Library 169 College Ave, New Brunswick, NJ (College Ave. Campus) is the home of the Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship Academy (IDEA) The mission of the Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship Academy (IDEA) is to integrate design and entrepreneurial thinking into the student experience. During the program, students take part in research, design challenges, and entrepreneurial thinking, as well as contribute to interdisciplinary projects focused on solving complex societal challenges. IDEA’s innovation studio provides space for students to explore the innovation process by thinking about what problems they would like to solve.
- The CAVE – Hill Center, Room 252, Piscataway, NJ (Busch Campus) -The Collaborative Academic Virtual Environment is attached to the Computer Science department’s instructional labs, designed to provide a place for student collaboration and group work. The space contains computers, couches, chairs, whiteboards, gaming systems, and a large-screen monitor for presentations and gaming. The C.A.V.E. is also the unofficial home of the Rutgers Undergraduate Association of Computer Scientists, the Rutgers Women in Computer Science club, the Rutgers Linux Users Group, and the Rutgers Creation of Games Society (COGS). Drop into the space, or visit for one of its regularly scheduled activities, such as the weekly hacker hour.
- The Makerspace – 35 Berrue Circle, Piscataway, NJ (Livingston Campus) The Makerspace is supported by the Division of Continuing Studies and is free to use for all current Rutgers faculty, staff, and students. We offer a large variety of DIY equipment including 3D printers, laser cutters/engravers, woodshop, textiles, and more! You can work on a class project, pursue your favorite hobby, or spark your entrepreneurial spirit. We are open 1:00-9:00 pm during the Fall/Spring Semester and 12:00-5:00 pm during Summer/Winter. (The closest bus stops are the Quads stop or the Livi Student Center, which is serviced by the B, LX, and REXL routes.)
- The Hack-R-space – Hill Center, Room 254, Piscataway, NJ (Busch Campus)
The Hack-R-space is available to students and faculty who are interested in creating projects and bringing cool ideas to fruition. 3D printers, robots, VR systems, and musical instruments (bass, guitar, drums) are some of the available equipment. Contact Charles ( for more information. - Innovation Lab – Honors College Building, New Brunswick, NJ (College Avenue Campus)
The Honors College Innovation Lab contains 3-D printers, mini-computers, a digital design studio, sensor lab, and other gadgetry to test hypotheses, create prototypes, create minimally viable products (MVPs), and run pilot programs.
Off Campus
- EcoComplex – 1200 Florence Columbus Rd, Fieldsboro, NJ 08505 Phone: (609) 499-3600
The EcoComplex “Clean Energy Innovation Center” is dedicated to moving inventions from the lab to successful real-world applications and to promote New Jersey as a center for clean energy and environmental innovations and enterprises. - Food Innovation Center – 450 E Broad St, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 Phone: (856) 391-7601 – The New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Food Innovation Center is a unique food business incubator and accelerator that supports established early stage entrepreneurs and existing food companies from concept to commercialization. The Center’s most famous project is the Impossible Burger. Read about the center’s expertise and activities in a Daily Targum Article (Rutgers Student newspaper) from February, 3, 2020.

Nolan Lewin, acting executive director and director of operations of the Food Innovation Center (FIC) standing with Anshu Dua, co-founder of the Chaat Company.